Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 4!

It's weird to think it's ONLY day 4 here, though it makes sense when you think about how classes haven't even started yet.

Today I slept in the most, considering I am normally up by 8 here. Probably because we were up late for Paola's birthday! It was really fun. And we made Pisco Sours, which are so so delicious. In the past two days I have eaten wonderful food! For lunch on Friday, I tried Pollo Saltado, which is just fantastic. A few of the guys had Lomo Saltado, so I tried that too. It's pretty much just chicken, rice, french fries, onions, tomatoes, and some seasonings that were totally foreign to me. Too bad I can't bring them back with me! I also had a spinach cream soup before that, which was excellent. At night, we went to Incanto (I think), which I know was expensive, but it was for our welcome dinner for it was paid for. Wow, was that good food. I had a salad of arugula, pecans, pear pieces, red pepper, basil and goat cheese. I had for the main course, something called Aji de Gallina, which was ravioli filled with shredded, seasoned chicken, in a cream sauce with cilantro. It was fantastic, I could seriously eat that every day. For dessert, I had tiramisu, which was GREAT because the coffee here is great. It came out kind of like a parfait, instead of a slice like it sometimes does in the US. Overall, really good eating. I can't wait until my stomach gets tougher, because some of the street vendors have amazing things. I still want to try guinea pig, and I also want to try this shiskabob made of beef heart. Maybe I will get that today.

I bought a sweater yesterday! It's yellow, orange, red, purple, and navy blue stripes with llamas of course. It's so comfy, I love it. I have presents all picked out for everyone, but I have yet to buy them. I want to go to the Sacred Valley and look at the markets there first. We are going next weekend. Today I want to buy some shoes. I found them very cheap. I also keep forgetting to bargain!

I also found out that netflix and hulu cannot be played in Peru. Fuuuuck that.

1 comment:

  1. haha I love you! All of the food sounds fantastic. I wish I were eating that right now. That place you were talking about was probably spelled Encanto which translates to mean charm...treasure or delight.
    I saw the picture of your sweater! it's so cute and of course it'd be with llamas! hahah. what a shame about netflix/hulu dude! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU
