Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just putting it out there

Learning Spanish after French is muy dificil. Right now, I think in French, am attempting to speak in Spanish, and am forgetting English more and more every day. It can give you quite the headache. Mostly the issue is pronunciation, or mixing up words that are slightly similar in French. Like numbers. I am honestly struggling the most with numbers. Because they are similar, but are absolutely not the same. I have to count in my head to get to a number instead of immediately spitting it out because otherwise, it will come out in french. Vignt et un will immediately pop into my head instead of Vientiuno. I feel like my brain is working a lot slower because I have to filter from French to English to Spanish and then back again. I can't wait until it gets easier.

In other news, I am going to the amazon and I am eating pig's heart today. Adios!

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