Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Sorry everyone! It's been a week, I apologize! I've just been very busy with school and elections and trips. Both Spanish and Art & Design (better known as Iconography) are just excellent. As frustrating as Spanish is sometimes, I love that we have to be there 3 hours a day, 5 days a week because I don't forget anything, which is nice. In Iconography, we've taken a lot of trips, and it's great that it is just myself, Rudy, and Carlos. It works perfectly, and I learn best through reading, writing, and conversation. I also remember things well from this class.

But yeah, let's move on to the REALLY fun stuff. I have eaten great things, but the best by far was yesterday. We went to El Chombo something something. I think. I'm terrible with el restaurante names here. But I just had the braised beef, carne a la braise. BEST meal I have had here, it was so good and wholesome and we were surrounded by locals and music and it was just wonderful. So muchos gracias Carlos for showing me that. I was too chicken to try chica, because there was so much of it, and the last thing I wanted to do was to drink too much during class, especially since Rudy and I shared a fantastic sundae with gelato and kaluha yesterday afternoon.

We went on our Sacred Valley tour sunday, and all of the ruins were just gorgeous, especially Pisaq. I'm one shade darker from that! Also we went to Tipon and I tried cuy for the first and last time in my life! Guinea pigs don't have much meat on them, so they were a bit of a hassel to eat, but they tasted like smoked chicken, so I am not against them for their flavor. Just the effort it takes.

Ollanta won the election. I definitely have opinions, but because he is not mi Presidente I'll reserve judgment for the people of Peru. There are definitely articles out and about in English and Spanish, check em out.

The last night before the dry period around elections we went to The Frog, which was my favorite bar so far, I definitely recommend it. It's great because it is not in the main square, so there are fewer people.

Um... I don't know what else. My week days are pretty routine. Go to spanish early, either get out and go home to eat or explore out and about for two or three hours. Go back to school, get out at 5, either run some errands, get food if I didn't have lunch, or just go straight home. Then I'll probably study and do some tarea, watch two episodes of Dexter, catch up with some people and get to bed between 11-1. The weekends are always an adventure, and I will be sure to post photos on here later!

Also, the only food that has made me feel sick here is McDonald's. Irony.

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